UNITED STATES—If you look back at the state of the nation over the last four years, no one would ever believe that everything that happened did happen, and in the same country. It leaves me with the question; if a conspiracy theory comes true, is it still a conspiracy theory?

I have a friend, he is a solid guy, a Veteran, not a germaphobe at all, but conscientious just the same. In December of 2019, my friend got sick as a dog while celebrating the Christmas holidays with family. He went to the Doc-in-a-box and was told he had, “The bird flu.”

As far as we were all concerned, he had the plague, but the huge family get-together didn’t stop. Everyone didn’t get sick. It was a little more than a month later that the CDC announced the first case of COVID in the U.S.

“CDC reports the first laboratory-confirmed case of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the U.S. from samples taken on January 18 in Washington state and on the same day activates its Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to respond to the emerging outbreak.”

My friend realized like many others in that time, that he probably had COVID. Back then, if you said too much about COVID, or heaven-for-bid said anything negative about the mandatory vaccines, shutdowns…your social media accounts would be shut down and you would be accused of being a conspiracy theorist.

There was a man who studied HIV/AIDS back when the disease was still contained in Africa. In the early to mid 1980s, it was said to be spread by black men and gays. Very similar to verbiage used decades later about Monkey Pox. It wasn’t long before AIDS hit the U.S. with a vengeance.

Fast forward about three decades, and you hear about this scientist who was studying the novel coronavirus in China. There was allegedly a leak at the lab there in Wuhan, China. The virus came back with some students and before you know it the United States had a pandemic.

Interestingly enough, nobody seemed to contract the flu in 2020, but so many contracted the COVID-19 virus that entire cities shut down. Businesses shuttered their doors, and people went broke. They completely lost their livelihoods. Democrat Governors like Gavin Newsom who had hard shutdowns forced these people into poverty. People left California in droves.

Oh, and that scientist, his name was Dr. Anthony Fauci and not only was he on the board of the National Institute of Health in Wuhan China, he was on the U.S. government payroll as well. After all, who knew more about the coronavirus than the man who might have created it?

He wasn’t the only one on the board. Check out the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They were right there with them. Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates have another thing in common. They both believe in population control. Those who believe in population control aren’t phased by death. People dying of Aids and coronavirus control the population and as long as the virus is active, there is a need for the vaccine.

Oh, good thing the scientists at the National Institute of Health created a vaccine to slow the spread of COVID-19, until it didn’t. Wait, you mean to tell me that the very people who studied the disease that infected thousands of Americans, even killing some, also made the vaccine?

The guy who stood up and told the American people they must wear masks and get vaccinated benefited from the sale of the vaccine, and he was on the American’s payroll to warn the public of the sickness.

When then President, Donald J. Trump found out, he was so mad and never so glad to fire anyone in his whole life.

So, for those of us who were ridiculed for believing that, are we still conspiracy theorists? I mean the shutdowns and mandates were more theories than believing the lies we were told.

Like the old children’s song, “There’s a hole in my bucket,”…then mend it. But will we mend it or fall for it again?

Alabama Republican Senator, Tommy Tuberville predicted that come September someone in the Democrat party will be warning us of a new pandemic. Guess what? It’s the bird flu. No lie. Will the American people buy it again?

Will we all have to wear masks and shut down? Oh wait, isn’t it also conveniently an election year? Oh no, will it keep people from going to the polls? Perhaps.