HOLLYWOOD—Is Victor Newman just bored on “The Young and the Restless”? He just seems like he can never stop stirring up trouble in Genoa City, if you ask me. First you poach Kyle from his family company Jabot, as a guise for him to head up a company to take down his foe Jack Abbott. Now, Victor is trying to take Chancellor-Abbott from Billy because he thinks Nikki Newman should run it. I’m sorry, but Nikki is a recovering alcoholic who has spiraled one too many times, who in their right mind would want this woman to run a company?

Sorry, not sorry, but she is not capable, just because your husband knows how to run a media empire, doesn’t mean your wife has the same qualifications. In addition, Nikki what the hell is your issue with picking a fight with Jack about Diana? Let the goose go, Diane has and so has Jack. Did you fail to realize if it wasn’t for Jack, you’d still be drinking and spiraling. Whether you want to hear it or not, this guy saved your life, you owe him more than you know.

Back to Victor, he has explained to Nikki, Adam, Nick and Victoria what he plans to do. Um, Victoria, you share kids with Billy, what the hell are you thinking?! You of course need to alert him as to what is about to unfold because I think there are more drawbacks then gains. How so? You could put Lily into the fire of this battle, Devon could intervene as a way to help his sister who could be on the outs of this power move, and Billy is not going to go down without a hell of a fight.

Billy has already dealt with plenty of battles with the Newman clan, notably Adam being responsible for the hit-and-run that killed his daughter Delia. Sorry, there would never be any forgiveness for that. Adam trying to cover up a crime and no matter how you look at it, a life was lost and I don’t feel Adam ever paid for that. He should have spent some time in jail at the very least, but Victor pulled strings to ensure that did not happen.

Billy has calmed, but this move, could ignite the war again and this time Billy might actually come out on top against Victor, Adam or both of them. Speaking of Adam, Billy confronted him about Chelsea’s odd behavior since her return from Baltimore. For those not in the know, Adam and Chelsea slept together and have lied to their significant others as to what has unfolded.

When the truth comes out, Billy will drop Chelsea like a hot potato as it is obvious the writers are pushing him back towards Lily. While Sally will rail against Adam and I don’t know where she lands, because I think Nick is absolutely off the table. Sharon is spiraling as her memories about Cassie are coming back front and center as encounters with Daniel and the past are haunting her. It has gotten so bad that she is hallucinating that she is kissing Nick.

Faith, Nick, Mariah and even Daniel for that matter are worried about Sharon who is assuring them she is okay, but it’s obvious she is not. Also with Lucy learning the entire truth of Daniel’s role in Cassie’s death, it feels like history could soon repeat itself with Lucy trying to attend an underage party where drinking will take place. Do I want to see the same story repeat itself? No, but if it leads to Sharon and Nick becoming an item I’m all for it.

Kyle and Summer are dealing with a nasty custody battle involving Harrison. It is just proof that Summer is jealous. She wanted to move on from Kyle, but she doesn’t want Kyle to move on from her. Girl, you are annoying and have become a gnat. Summer is just not happy that Kyle is moving on with his life and Summer is not a core focal point. He has Claire and he is quite smitten by her, but asking her to spy on Summer while he is out of town is not the move.

Why? Summer doesn’t trust Claire and if she finds out what Kyle put her up to, it only makes the situation worse if you ask me. It looks like a lot of families are about to be pitted against one another in the coming weeks on “Y&R.”