PHILADELPHIA—On September 10, former President Donald J. Trump and the current Vice President Kamala Harris faced one another in their first presidential debate. ABC’s David Muir and Linsey were moderators. ABC hosting was one of Harris’s conditions to agree to a debate against Trump.

Before the debate, conservative talk show host, Sean Hannity reported that ABC had a 99 percent likability score toward Harris and a 7 percent likability score toward Trump.

The score was taken from the number of positive and negative comments made by ABC correspondents referencing both Trump and Harris. 93 percent of the previous comments on ABC about Trump were negative. Nearly all comments made about Harris were positive.

Some have stated the debate was biased. Muir kept a look of annoyance when Trump answered questions asked of him. Harris tried to hold in a laugh several times during the debate.

According to reports, the earpieces that Vice President Harris wore during the debate were Nova H1 audio earbuds disguised as pearl earrings.

“Well, I watched it. Did you watch it? I’m disgusted. I’m ashamed of those moderators at ABC News. They did exactly what their bosses wanted them to do. The person who runs ABC News is a close personal friend of Kamala Harris who is responsible for Kamala Harris and her husband, meeting.

It was three against one on that debate stage tonight. It’s very easy to look like you know what you’re doing when both moderators are entirely on your side. Trump did the best he could under the circumstances, but it was really like three fighters in the ring pummeling one opponent, and Trump tried to take them all on.

He did fine. He did as best as he could. He was thrown a few times where he was unnecessarily defensive and he was getting angry and so was I. Were you? This was a mistake to trust ABC News with this debate,” said journalist Megyn Kelly about the debate.

Harris was able to speak first during the debate and began with an attack on Trump.

“Donald Trump left us the worst unemployment since the great depression. Donald Trump left us the worst public health epidemic in a century. Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the civil war,” said Harris.

When Trump left office, inflation was at 1.4 percent. Gasoline was approximately $1.00 per gallon cheaper than it is in 2024, and mortgage rates were at 2.7 percent. The pandemic cannot be blamed on the sitting President of the United States.

Trump used every chance for a rebuttal to call out Harris for the lies she was telling about him correcting her each time.

Harris and Muir tried to say that it would be the American people who paid through taxes under Trump. Trump rebutted saying that it would be China, and the countries that were costing the American people money that would have to pay through tariffs for them, not taxes for U.S. citizens.

Harris kept saying that she was raised in a middle-class family and she would offer tax incentives for those who voted  for her.

Harris’ parents were college professors. She was born in October 1964. They lived in Berkeley during the first two years of Harris life. The family moved to college towns in the mid-west where they lived with the luxury of salaries of two professors.

The debate rules clearly stated that the mics would be silenced while the opponent was speaking. It was left on for Kamala to interrupt Trump long enough for Trump to admonish her, saying, “I was speaking. Sound familiar?”

Trump was referencing a moment from the 2020 debate stage. When it was Trump’s turn to speak, Harris held an expression on her face that resembled a child trying to hold in a laugh.

Muir repeatedly asked Trump if he had any regrets from January 6. Trump reported that he went to the Mayor of D.C., Muriel Bowser, and offered to bring in troops for protection during his rally a mile from the U.S. Capitol. Mayor Bowser declined the fromer President’s offer.

Harris did not use her time to promote herself or her platform. She was adamant against fracking, until a recent interview where she indicated she would not ban fracking if elected President. During Monday debate, she indicated she would not end fracking after Trump asked why Biden stopped Keystone oil.

Harris lost with the pro-life community when she stated that she would support all of the protections of Roe v. Wade. Not because she’s pro-abortion. The majority of Democrats support abortion on demand. Harris wore a confused expression on her face when Trump suggested she would allow late-term abortions.

The 1973 Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade is abortion on demand. Roe v. Wade states that a woman may choose to have an abortion at any time during her pregnancy for any reason.

Harris looked appalled when Trump referenced former Virginia Governor, Ralph Northam, speaking on behalf of partial and post-birth abortions when babies were left to die, suggesting that she would do the same.

Harris has been a staunch supporter of abortion for as long as she has held public office.

At one point during the debate, Trump looked at Harris and said, you say you are going to do all this. “You’ve been in office nearly 4 years. Why haven’t you done it?” and “Let’s stop. I’ll stop right now. You can go back to D.C. and do it.”

Trump added, “Biden was the worst President in history, but she’s worse.”

Trump had high points regarding foreign relations and the war(s) going on now. David Muir repeatedly asked Trump if would side with Ukraine in the war. Trump noted he would not have. He did get angry then. He let Muir know that there wouldn’t be a war under his reign. He would, “end the war.”