HOLLYWOOD—I have not reacted so strongly to an episode of TV in a long time, which says a lot about things that are unfolding on “The Chi.” This week’s episode, ‘Tower of Terror’ delivered a stunner during its final moments, which we will dissect a ton more later. The big focus of the episode was Thanksgiving, as Rob and Emmett argued who would be hosting the big holiday and at who’s home. Victor, after having a bunch of legal and moral dilemmas decided, he needed to take a break from his political aspirations, as a City Council for Chicago.

Roselyn worried that things with Douda are too quiet and that he needs to lay low and the more bodies that he causes, the worse it becomes. Bad idea to put that notion into Douda’s head Roselyn because it might be both his and your undoing. Tiffany tried to get Rob to open up about Alonzo’s passing, but it was apparent that he’s not ready to do so just yet. Shaad is truly beginning to fall for Alicia.

LaPorche asked Nina to come on tour with her, and let’s just say without Dre in the picture, there is not much for Emmett and Kiesha’s mom to do. Kiesha invited Nuck to Tiff and Rob’s Thanksgiving dinner, which didn’t make Emmett the happiest. Damien is more messed up than I expected. Not only did this dummy try to rob a liquor store, but he slept with the wife of the man who went to jail for him. Damien don’t mess with Douda’s books to help Keith, that will be your downfall.

Shaad warned Victor to go after Fatima and stop wasting time. Douda had a conversation with Britney, who noted her ties with him would be severed after the information she gives him. What that information was not revealed to the viewer, but as the episode continued it was easy to connect the dots, that it involved Nuck. Ezekiel and Tatianna are in a marriage of convenience. His wife is messing with Jake, while Ezekiel is messing around with his secretary Sarah. Why? It is for political prowess.

Bakari got news that a publisher was passing on his manuscript, but his professor encouraged him to keep pushing. Jemma and Maisha informed Lynae that Britney is working for Douda to spy on Bakari. Lynae later spilled that news to Bakari who was not pleased. Emmett was still furious that Darnell kept inserting Damien into his family outings.

Kenya and Zay that is a couple I never expected, just as he received a call from Douda. Tierra chatted with Jemma about finding herself and possible severing ties with Jake. Hmm, this has me worried for Jake’s fate as we near the season finale. Alicia dropped a bomb on Rob and Tiffany, a bomb revealing she planned to be cooking for the holiday, just as Ezekiel was disinviting and then inviting Sarah to Thanksgiving dinner.

Dom and Jamal are still flirting which I find boring. Like as a viewer, are we to care about these two? It was nice seeing Tiffany and Alicia bond a bit over Rob. This is the side of Alicia I want to see more of. Roselyn warned Bianca that Douda is in trouble. Yes, Bianca was asking all the right questions. Why are you staying with someone that you don’t love? I cannot wait to see Roselyn taken out. Victor and Fatima had a conversation that was long overdue, where he noted he plans to make changes.

Tiffany and Alicia bonded even more after smoking some weed and it was apparent that Alicia is ready to invest in Tiffany’s burgeoning business. Douda discovered that Nuck was not loyal to him and the two got into a massive fight as a result. Really? Is Douda that unstoppable that all these street thugs can’t fight. Yeah, I think this betrayal is only setting up the moment when Nuck also joins the rest of Chicago in wanting to take out Douda/Otis once and for all.

Zay learned after Nuck was benched that he has the opportunity to be Douda’s right-hand man. It looks like Douda is planning to strike on Thanksgiving of all days. The big moment of the episode, was Douda sending an explosive message quite literally to Kiesha. As she was getting ready to leave to pack Ronnie in the car, Douda sent a text and an explosion erupted. With Emmett coming outside to a car ablaze he thought Kiesha and Ronnie were killed in the explosion.

Writers didn’t do a good job leaving the suspense, with Kiesha and Ronnie showing up behind Emmett to reveal that panic on his face while visceral and real could become an actual reality.

Next week is the big finale for season six. The question is with so enemies made, the question becomes who will not make it to season seven? For certain, it won’t be Kiesha now that it was just teased, but this will NOT make Nuck happy to learn that Douda came after his son and the mother of his child, so the target on the big bad of the series has been amplified to a degree that something major is about to explode.