UNITED STATES—Breakfast, it is perhaps the most important meal of the day. It gives you fuel, and it gets your energy going. However, it has long been debated sweet or savory. When I was younger, I would always go for something sweet for breakfast. Do not ask me why. I think it was just a craving for sugar or something sweet, which typically gets the energy going faster, if we’re going to be honest.

I used to love a donut, a croissant, a Danish, pancakes, pop tarts, a Toaster Strudel or a bowl of cereal. Out of everything I just listed, a bowl of cereal is still something I crave every so often, but I have veered away a bit from the sweet and turned my attention to healthier options like cheerios, and I mean plain cheerios with some strawberries or blueberries.

Being a bit older now, I see myself craving more for savory when it comes to breakfast. I love grits, I mean I absolutely love some grits with a little bit of butter, pepper and cheddar cheese. The key is the grits have to be smooth and creamy without the lumps. Can it be a slight chore cooking grits? Yes, but the end result is so worth it.

Everyone I know loves bacon, but I’m not the biggest bacon lover. I don’t mind it, I cook it on occasion, but I don’t have to have it when it comes to a protein for breakfast. Most people might be thinking the amount of fat or grease that comes with it, no it is the salt. Bacon can be overly salty for me and that is just a taste that I don’t crave.

If I am going for a protein, it is sausage and its spicy breakfast. I crave heat a lot and the taste of a hot pork sausage is beyond craveable it’s just tasty to me. In addition, I don’t have to have a lot, one or two breakfast sausage at most does the trick for me America. However, beyond sausage my favorite protein for breakfast has to be the egg. I love scrambled eggs, but only with cheese. I absolutely cannot and will not eat eggs without cheese. My body cannot stomach it. I tried once it doesn’t work.

Before you start asking, no I don’t eat boiled eggs, unless it’s with a Cobb salad, I don’t eat raw eggs or sunny side up eggs or poached eggs. The idea of a runny egg is such a turn off for me I’m sorry. For those who love it, do you, but for me it doesn’t work. My favorite quick breakfast has to be a bagel sandwich. Usually a plain or everything bagel (must be toasted), with a scrambled egg with cheese and a spicy pork sausage patty does the trick every time.

It doesn’t take more than 10 to 15 minutes to do, it’s portable and gives you a little bit of everything to get those fumes in your body working to top speed. If I’m really in a rush, I will settle for a bagel with cream cheese. Yes, there are plenty of variety of bagels, and one of my favorite places is Einstein Bagels, that pretzel and potato bagel is to die for, especially if you add some of their honey almond schmear on it. I wish there was a store that sold that schmear, but you can only get it at this establishment and it quite literally is to die for.

I think I have proven my point, savory is the way to go, despite on weekends, when I cook up some pancakes because I have a bit more free time. We’re not talking just plain pancakes, I’m talking with bananas, apples, blueberries, blackberries or raspberries. Not a big fan of whip cream. I don’t put it on anything, and if you’re asking waffles or pancakes, I never got into pancakes and I don’t think I ever will. They just seem a bit heavy for me when it comes to breakfast and I like something a bit lighter.

Some of us overdo it for breakfast, the goal is to ensure you have enough to get your day going, not to be so satiated that you cannot move. If sweet does the trick, go for it, but for me savory seems to work every time.

Written By Davy Jones