UNITED STATES—Food, it is the one thing that all Americans have in common. We all must have it in order to survive. With that assertion you are indeed what you eat America, you are indeed. So, what am I getting at? Why do we tempt ourselves indulging in foods that we know are bad for us in the long run? We are mentally weak. A lot of us give into temptation instead of fighting against it.

We have heard so much about the dangers of processed foods in recent years, yet if you go to the grocery store that is all you see left and right. Whether in a can, box or bag, if it’s super sweet, salty or fatty it is not best for you to overindulge in those items. However, those are the items that tend to be on sale at the supermarket, it is quick and easy to give to the kiddos and there you go.

It becomes a trend that starts as a kid and becomes a trend as you become an adult that you ultimately pass down to your kids. I want to pat myself on the back for not indulging in any carbonated drinks for almost two years. Yes, two years, no soda, no pop, no overly sugary drinks or excessive carbs and calories that are not good for the body. If people knew how bad soft drinks were, they wouldn’t drink them. This is not me being the soft drink police, I just want to warn individuals of the dangers that not many of them are aware of.

At the same time, I’m learning that if you don’t have the items in the household, you will not be tempted to eat them. Yes, we all want to try to tell ourselves we can resist and we look at it as a badge of honor, but not many can accomplish such a feat.

The bigger push is by NOT having the items in the home, you are not going to eat them and guess what you’re NOT spending money on things that you don’t actually need! That is the thing that I’m beginning to come to terms with. You don’t buy, you won’t eat it and you save a ton of money in the process as well. I probably spend way more on those foods that I should NOT even be eating.

It has taken time for me to realize this, but I am realizing it now, which is key. It is better to learn the hard truth now, than later, when it becomes too late. We have to be sharper and more aware of not buying things that are bad for us and focus the attention on purchasing foods that are actually good for us. I know so many people are thinking fruits and vegetables. No, it’s not just about fruits and vegetables, it also involves grains, wheat, dairy, gluten and so much more.

No, I’m not telling you to run to Whole Foods and purchase all your groceries. Not all Americans can afford to do such a thing, which means the retail chains have to be better at making things affordable. Affordability matters when it comes to food because not all Americans can purchase the healthy items they need to stay healthy.

There are plenty of places in this country that are literal food deserts that have no grocery stores or they are very far and in between. Why is that? I wish I could give you an answer, but sorry America, I’m not able to do so and I wish there is more that is being done. If your kids always want the bad stuff, you have to start to redirect things to the healthy direction versus the not so healthy.

It might not happen over night, it may take a bit of time, but if you start early it helps. As people age, they are able to pick and choose what they eat, but the key is moderation. If you don’t overindulge, if you exercise and stay active that goes a long way for your health.

Written By Davy Jones