Tag: Cam

“Big Brother 26” Week 8 Recap

HOLLYWOOD—Well, the jury phase of the game has begun on “Big Brother 26.” Let me just say this has been the best pre-jury phase...

“Big Brother 26” Week 7 Recap

HOLLYWOOD—Week 6 of the “Big Brother 26” house ended in a blindside that sent the most chaotic, fun, exciting player the game has witnessed...

“Big Brother 26” Week 6 Recap

HOLLYWOOD—Cracks are starting to emerge. Yes things are becoming evident after another potential blindside last week that ended up sending ‘married mother’ Brooklyn Rivera...

“Big Brother 26” Week 5 Recap

HOLLYWOOD—The game has completely changed on “Big Brother 26” after an epic move and blindside that delivered perhaps one of the best episodes of...

“Big Brother 26” Week 1 Recap

HOLLYWOOD—Well, summer’s guilty pleasure is back America, and it looks like things are going to be exciting for “Big Brother 26.” I will admit...
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