HOLLYWOOD—That time is upon us yet again. A new season of “Survivor,” season 47 to be exact has been unleashed and this feels like it could be a good one. I will admit I didn’t love last season. The editing really gave a lot of the boots away in my opinion, so once that jury phase started, I was quite bored with what was being given to the TV viewers. Let’s hope the cutthroat, strategic chops of this season’s contestants is of a higher caliber.

We have three tribes of six: Gata, Lavo and Tuku. On Tuku we have TK, Sue, Kyle, Tiyana, Gabe and Caroline. On Gata we have Sam, Ankita, Jon, Andy, Rachel and Sierra. On Lavo we have Aysha, Teeny, Kishan, Genevive, Sol and Rome.

Quick first impressions: Not going to Kyle’s mention of his upbringing makes you want to root for him. I love Aysha, probably because I get to hear her “Survivor” and “Big Brother” takes on ‘Rob Has a Podcast.’ Sue is the oldest contestant, and not afraid to push and fight to sustain. Per usual Jeff had to do his obligatory introductions

The contestants were forced to participate in an elaborate challenge to obtain their supplies for their camp. It was all about obtaining puzzle pieces, while crawling thru the mud. Tuku had an early lead, while Gata fell behind. Unlike previous premieres, there is ONLY one winner this time around and two losers. That was impressive from Gata who came from behind to win the first challenge and gain a pot, machete and Flynn.

The new way to earn supplies, a new task, only one person no details on what the challenge is. So Aysha and TK are about to face something never seen before. It’s a risky move because you’re in a situation where you can’t develop those instant social connections and when you have such a small tribe numbers to matter.

Back at Gata, Jon has worked with President Barack Obama and with Former First Lady Hilary Clinton. Andy and Jon connected, while Sierra was showing her paranoia a little too early. Back at Tuku, Gabe was immediately drawn to Sue, which was intriguing. Sue was building a quick bond with Caroline, so Sue’s social game is impressive. At Lavo, Kishan why are you spilling you’re a doctor so early in the game? Teeny is a jokester and social butterfly. Her and Kishan bonded. Rome and Genevive bonded, I love that Teeny was considering Aysha, while Rome is already against her.

Only ONE PLAYER will win the supplies for their tribe. This is indeed brutal. Aysha found all her keys, and it became a realization that the last key was in an ocean and whoever gets there first would win. Wow, Aysha and TK were fighting over the key, but TK got to it first. That was a devastating loss for Aysha. Sierra proved she can make fire, while Ankita was doing a bit much for me. TK arrived back to camp with supplies, and his tribemates were happy to see him victorious.

Looks like Gabe became TK’s biggest cheerleader, and so did Kyle, so the ladies were nervous. Gabe spotted the Beware Advantage, and learns he must have the idol in order to vote. Damn, Gabe is NOT messing around. He wants that idol and he got caught by TK and its obvious Gabe is not to be trusted, as Tk was not buying it.

For Aysha, she returned to camp, but without her supplies, and she approached the tribe with complete honesty. Wow, Teeny has listened to Aysha on RHAP, so she noted, she wants to work with her. Great bond with Teeny and Aysha. Rome was searching yet again, and I don’t think he realized that others were watching. Since you were already digging Rome, you may have finished it up instead of waiting till night.

Gabe is doing a bit too much, and spilled to Sue that he found the Beware Advantage and she was going to act as his lookout. He opened the box and discovered that it is another box. The idol is good for one TC only. If he wanted to risk, he could do more and try to find an idol good for three Tribal Councils. That is not worth the risk for me.

Jon felt like the oddball out with a bunch of youngsters, just as Andy wanted to bond with Rachel. Ugh, Andy was raising a red flag with Rachel because he woke up in the middle of the night wanting to chat, but it was causing rumblings at the camp. At least Andy realized that was not going to be good for his game. Andy is spiraling in his mind, and Jon tried to calm him down.

Back at Tuku, Gabe went hunting for the clue to the three TC Immunity Idol. Gabe found the key and then discovered it was another catch. Continue on and you can find the key to an idol that is good till the Final Five. Yeah, just too much. Aysha got Rome red-handed and informed the rest of the tribe what Rome was up to which concerned Sol and others. Why is “Survivor” making this so hard. Rome found the key at the bottom of the Water Well. Rome, the idol is only good for one TC, you need to make some bonds with your tribemates.

We get to our first Immunity Challenge of the season that comes with a “Survivor” building kit, second tribe gets smaller tool kit. I have to admit this Flynn taking crap is stupid. You’re already living on an island with the bare minimum, stop taking from the contestants. What the hell Tuku flips their boat, yellow is going the wrong direction and flips their boat over also.

Lavo made it back to the beach with all three chests and boat in tow. Gata was a struggle, but they managed to get to the beach, so did Tuku. Lavo just smoked both teams in this challenge, completing that puzzle in a matter of seconds it felt like. Yeah, Gata looks like a mess, just as Andy passed out and medical was called to Andy’s aide. Tuku won Immunity sending Gata to TC. Andy is a goner I don’t see how his tribe keeps him after that, he was already counting his days before the challenge even finished.

This is just brutal to watch, Andy is giving away his game while at the TC and everyone can hear it. It was obvious that Andy realized his spiral hit a massive cord with his tribemates. Jeez, Jon was nervous and voiced his concern to the ladies, who wanted to point the finger at Jon. Yeah, that is a dangerous move, Andy wanted to take out Anika. Sam didn’t like that Jon was playing hard. If this tribe takes out Jon over Andy this is just crazy. Andy is too much of a wild card to keep in the game.

The first Tribal Council of the season is upon us, and of course Jeff addressed the big elephant in the room involving Andy. Jon went to bat for Andy, to be honest, I don’t know if I would do that. It feels like it could be Jon or Andy, and truly hope not Jon because it would be a bummer to lose him this early in the game. I cannot believe this tribe voted out Jon over Andy. I truly hope Gata gets decimated because that feels like the most boneheaded thing I can think of. We’ll see what happens next week “Survivor” fanatics!