HOLLYWOOD—So we already learned that ‘Abigail’ is NOT Chad’s actual wife on “Days of Our Lives.” However, we now have more meat to the story. Fake Abigail is working with her brother Mark to protect their family from Clyde Weston, but there feels like there is more going on here. Really? Jeez, can we seriously off this character once and for all on “DOOL.” I don’t think I have despised and hated a character as much as Clyde. This guy is not Stefano DiMera, yet he is relegated like he is.

Whatever Clyde’s big motive is here, I hope once it’s discovered, someone finally takes out this character once and for all and he never returns or causes harm to Salem. He has stayed way too long. I don’t think the marriage part will be difficult because Chad is already smitten with his ‘wife’ and guess what, she is starting to catch feelings for Chad as well.

The one issue in the plot is that Abigail and Mark have no idea that Steve is onto Chad’s wife. What does that mean? Steve has a hunch that she is not truly Abigail and he wants Kayla to run another DNA test which she has refused at the moment, but Steve being Steve is already connecting the dots and he’s doing it very fast America. He has pegged that Clyde might be involved and is planning to visit him in prison to utilize some information and leverage.

Steve, watch out you might be placing yourself and the people you care about most in Clyde’s crosshairs yet again. With that said, Rafe is awake! Yes, after being stabbed by Connie it seems Rafe has regained his consciousness and while he can’t put a face to the person who stabbed him, he knows WHAT THEY SAID before stabbing him. Yes, the walls are starting to close in on Connie.

Like, Jada was mere feet away from discovering Melinda in Connie’s department, how the hell she couldn’t hear Melinda with her trying to move in that bed I can’t explain. However, that call about Rafe awaking right at that moment would be ever so convenient. So it seems it will only be a matter of time before Rafe and Jada solve the puzzle.

They better do it fast because Connie has another Salemite or two in her crosshairs as Ava and Gabi are looking like targets. I mean Gabi is getting under Connie’s skin because she slept with EJ and is happy, not depressed. She was about to stab her at work, if not for her getting that call about Rafe. As for Ava, she looks to be caught up in the mix of Melinda’s sudden disappearance and she might discover what Connie is up to placing her life in serious danger.

Alex and Stephanie are getting closer. With Everett and Theresa out of the picture, it might be time for these two to rekindle the courtship that they initially had when they first met one another. However, this time they are taking things slow. I like this coupling so it will be fun to see what happens with them this time around. Holly learned a harsh truth courtesy of Tate who spilled that Eric was responsible for Daniel’s death.

Yes, Holly knows that Eric was driving drunk when he crashed into Daniel killing him. Holly is livid at the world right now and rightfully so. Her father was taken from her and it was kept secret by Nicole, Eric and a host of others. Tate slipped up, and he’s trying to repair things, but Holly is having none of it, which is giving Sophia the perfect opening to take advantage of a vulnerable Tate in the process. I suspect this may ultimately lead to Holly vacating Salem and joining Nicole overseas. We shall see.

The other big bomb dropped is Xander learning that Fiona and Brady have been sleeping together. Xander was not pleased and was ready to take a bat and beat his cousin to a pulp for what he did to Sarah. Just one problem Xander, that rage is misdirected at the wrong person, it should be at his mother. Fiona hit Sarah, and she is getting desperate. How desperate? She nearly tried to smoother Sarah with a pillow. I mean this woman already almost committed murder and now she is actively trying to do it.

Sarah knows Brady wasn’t the driver who struck her, but she can’t picture the actual face of the driver, just yet, but time will indeed tell. So the questions comes will Fiona be exposed by Brady, Sarah or Xander?