HOLLYWOOD—I don’t know where to start because the plethora of secrets being unearthed on the Peacock soap opera “Days of Our Lives” are big ones. For starters, Abigail Deveraux is back in the mix, but not portrayed by Marci Miller, but actress AnnaLynne McCord. Yes, she was the mystery woman that Chad and Julie saw on that USB device. Abigail’s father, Jack got into the mix and now Chad and Jack came face-to-face with the woman who doesn’t look like Abigail, but has belongings that only Abigail would have.

Chad and Jack had Kayla run a DNA test and guess what: it proved her DNA is a match with Jack. Jack and Chad were overjoyed with the news. Chad is being cautious to stay distant and allow ‘Abigail’ to discover her past and recollect her memories. However, danger could be on the horizon. How so? Jennifer Horton. Yes, Jennfier Horton is back in the mix and guess what she doesn’t feel that this new ‘Abigail’ is her daughter and that could be dangerous.

Why? Seems our new face might be up to no good. She has been speaking with someone on the phone alerting them that all is going as planned. So if this woman is NOT Abigail, what is her end goal. That is the element that has me truly intrigued because I’m wondering if Abigail is actually alive and if she is, where is she and who is holding her hostage. Not to mention what does this mystery woman who is ‘acting’ like Abigail hoping to gain by infiltrating Chad, Jennifer and Jack’s lives? I guess time will tell when it comes to this mystery.

In other big news, Fiona and Brady’s drinking has taken a turn for the worse. Fiona struck Sarah and fled the scene of the crime. Sarah is not dead, but she is paralyzed from the waist down. She cannot feel her legs and Xander is now on a warpath. He wants Jada to find the person who did this to his wife, little does Xandy know, dear ole mom is the culprit and she’s trying to pin things on Brady.

Yeah, Fiona is not a good person, and the fact that she thinks she could get away with this crime and not have her son want blood. Oh, I cannot wait until the truth is exposed because it looks like the target is going to be on Brady with Kristen and Marlena already is worried that Brady was culpable. Expect him to be hauled into the police station soon and his world falling apart. I mean he’s already drinking, and Paul knows but failed to tell John and Marlena what is unfolding. Not good people, not good at all.

Jada is also busy trying to make sense of Everett’s suicide, but she hasn’t pinpointed it just yet. This is important because Connie is about to strike yet again. This time Melinda is in her crosshairs. Yes, Connie drugged Melinda after realizing she was pushing her to get fired from DiMera Enterprises for lying on her resume about her actual credentials. Bad move Melinda because now you’re drugged and in Connie’s crosshairs. This only complicates the situation because Connie has spilled to Gabi that Stefan and Ava slept together.

Yes, Gabi was NOT PLEASED to say the least. She was livid. She was out for blood and she got a bit of it. She confronted Ava and fired her from DiMera as a bold move against Kristen. Yeah, I like this Gabi because she delivered another shocker to Stefan telling him she wanted a divorce. I mean you told her about two kisses but failed to disclose that you slept with a woman that Gabi hates. Yeah, I don’t feel sorry for you Stefan.

There is more people because Tate and Holly are still sneaking around, and how Brady and no one else has figured this out I cannot understand. However, their pal Sophia looks like she is about to cause some trouble as she plans to make a move on Tate. Will he be able to resist? Time will tell.