HOLLYWOOD—I knew this episode of “Power Book II: Ghost” would be a bit slow, but I didn’t expect it to be this slow. The penultimate episode, ‘The Reckoning’ before next week’s mid-season finale, didn’t offer much, but we got some moving moments. Tariq wanted blood after realizing that Diana tried to get Tasha killed by Tommy by delivering that letter to Kate on behalf of ‘Monet.’

Monet was not happy, as her and Cane went on a mission to locate Dru and Diana with intentions to take them out for their betrayal. Cane, these are your siblings and for you to think you can just take out your siblings to prove your loyalty to Monet is just stupid. Monet is Monet, she really doesn’t trust anyone if we have to be honest. Dru and Diana stopping at a motel proved dangerous as Monet discovered where her kids were because Diana utilized her credit card.

Yeah, Diana not smart and it led to a war of words between Dru and Monet where he expressed how he truly felt and delivered a harsh expletive that led to Monet about to fire a bullet into her son. They managed to escape and it was Dru and Diana coming to terms with their actions. Cane put a bounty out on Dru and Diana’s head, where the audience got a heated moment between Dru and Cane. It was FINALLY after four seasons the opportunity for the audience to see what Cane has always struggled with: approval from his parents. It was some fantastic acting from Woody McClain and as a viewer, I would love to see more of it.

Noma and Davis are getting closer in business aspects, and I am starting to wonder what more is coming between these two. They are heavily flirting, especially Davis. I’m just not sure if Noma is ready to bite the apple or being careful. She is enjoying her sexcapades with Cane, who I think is enjoying this power move if I have to be honest. Effie knows of the attraction, but I am not sure if she knows fully that Noma and Cane are actually sleeping together. I am sure if that information were to come to light it is going to change the dynamic between the two.

With that noted, Diana decided to venture off to see Salim to ensure protection from Monet and Cane who were looking for her. Yeah, Salim seemed to fall off the planet after being visible for such a period of time during season three of the series. Unfortunately for Salim, his decision to hide Diana ultimately cost him his life after Tariq put a bullet into him.

Yeah, Tariq doesn’t seem to care much if he kills people. He just seems to do it, and not worry about it till later if at all. Janet, oh Janet, she is a character that I have enjoyed for her short time on the series these past episodes, bringing to a light a bit about Monet’s past and forcing her to look deep within herself about her actions.

As a result, Janet dropped the bomb on Monet that Diana was pregnant. It left Monet flabbergasted because her bestie could see what was going on with her daughter, but dear mom did not. That prompted Monet to go into protective mode. First alerting Cane, after a second encounter to spare Dru’s life, and also stopping Tariq from putting a bullet into Diana by revealing she was pregnant.

Tariq questioned if the baby was his. So did I. I think they only hooked up once, but I saw this coming a million miles away when it was revealed Diana was pregnant. It was the shows way to place Tariq in a predicament where he could kill the mother of his child. Have to be honest, this Detective Carter character is a waste. Not sure why a new character was introduced during the final season who doesn’t have any ties to the past. If he does, I’m waiting for the show to drop them because we only have six episodes left and it feels a bit forced if something were to come up at this point.

Truly looking forward to next week’s mid-season finale because I know a secret or two is going to be dropped that changes everything, but more than ever, the audience knows a major player or two or several might not make it to the second half of this final season. Make your predictions “Power Book II: Ghost” lovers because some of our fans are about to meet the Grim Reaper.