HOLLYWOOD—I have seen bad movies, but I don’t think I have seen a movie as terrible and wasteful as “Not Another Church Movie.” I cannot recall the last time I watched a movie so bad that I wanted to warn everyone I know not to watch it, wait, I remember “Halloween II’ (2009). That was a bad movie, but even that movie is not as horrid as this one.

For starters. a ton of acting talent is wasted here. I mean Jamie Foxx, you really wanted to portray a fictional God in this parody comedy. Mickey Rourke, an Oscar-nominee was ok playing The Devil. I’m trying to figure out how this movie got those two actors to sign up for this comedy. They literally had to throw a ton of money at them, because what other reason would they want to be in this movie.

First, “Not Another Church Movie” is not funny. I have not been so bored or annoyed with a movie in my life. The jokes are not landing at all and trust me this movie tries very hard to attempt a laugh, I might have chuckled once or twice, and even than the chuckle was minor. The movie tries to spoof entertainment mogul Tyler Perry, with a character named Taylor Pharry. If you’re going to spoof something it has to be funnier than the person being spoofed, and this movie doesn’t even come close to what Tyler Perry gives his audiences when it comes to laughter.

I saw “Diary of Angry Black Woman” in a theater when it first came out and I laughed like hell. I laughed so hard I was crying, and my stomach hurt. This movie tries to take every Tyler Perry movie they can think of and intertwine them into one movie under 90 minutes and it doesn’t work. The narratives do not overlap in a way that is seamless and it just feels so forced to the point, you have to ask yourself, “What am I watching right now?” I haven’t heard so much terrible dialogue in my life, it’s like the writers didn’t even try to make the characters seem authentic at any point or try to deliver any laughs.

Tyler Perry should be happy these are the people who spoofed him because they did a terrible job of trying to tackle the popular themes in Tyler’s films like religion, strong Black women, Black men, drugs, deadbeat fathers and so much more. “The Boondocks” when they attempted that spoof of Tyler Perry, that was funny. My five-year-old niece could have crafted a better story.

None of the characters here are funny. There is no charisma, no pizzazz, nothing that makes you as a viewer care. I literally almost turned off the movie because that is how dreadful it was to watch. Then I told myself, let me just see how it ends. The fact that this movie was produced and made baffles me. It just goes to show in Hollywood you really don’t have to be talented, you don’t need talent.

You just need to have money backing you, as long as you have the money to back you, trainwrecks like “Not Another Church Movie” can be made and some people might flock to see it. This is me America warning you this is easily the worst movie of 2024, if not the worst movie I have seen in my 40 plus years of life. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME ON IT!