HOLLYWOOD—So, Nicole Walker has been reunited with her child on “Days of Our Lives,” but it doesn’t come without a twist. I was stunned that EJ DiMera decided to make this move after being willing to pay off Leo to stay mum in Sloan’s plot. He had Sloan weave a tale that the baby is indeed Nicole’s (we already knew that), but he is being deemed the father, not Jude’s true daddy, Eric. Yes. EJ is playing with fierce fire right now, and I can tell you it is going to blow up in his face people, it has to.

Sloan has been made public enemy #1 in Salem right now and rightfully so for her deception, but she’s not alone because Melinda, Leo and now EJ are playing a part in deceiving Nicole from learning that Eric is the baby’s true father, not her current hubby. It is so obvious that Kristen DiMera of all people will discover this truth especially because she can read EJ like a book, especially when he is nervous or has a sudden change of heart that makes absolutely no sense to the naked eye.

Expect some serious blackmail to make its presence front and center in the coming weeks as Kristen likely uses this information to her advantage to either expose her brother or bring him to his knees. I can’t wait for it either, as I was truly hoping EJ DiMera was turning over a new leaf. I mean this guy already did this to Sami and Lucas, and he’s doing it yet again to a woman that he calls his soulmate.

It was devastating just devastating seeing Sloan break that news to Eric knowing in her gut it was all a lie and Jude is indeed his son. Eric was determined to make Sloan pay for her crimes, but by the time he returned to the apartment Sloan was already gone. I have a pretty good guess who helped her escape, his name rhymes with RJ, um ‘EJ.’ If just everyone else in Salem will open their eyes, notably Nicole, Eric and Rafe.

Rafe was ready to place on the cuffs, but his Spidey senses were tingling that Melina played a role in the melee. I mean she was the adoption lawyer who helped Sloan get the baby after all. Yeah, you might have just gotten your old job back Melinda, but I suspect, you’ll be fired from the DA position sooner than you expect when the truth officially comes to light.

Arianne Zucker will be soon vacating the role of Nicole Walker, which I suspect ties in with the reveal about Eric being the father of Nicole’s baby and the two will officially bid adieu to Salem once and for all with Jude and Holly in tow. What happens to EJ, that is another question. I can suspect that Johnny will be livid by his father’s actions, and Chad will be beyond disappointed in his brother, just as they have become quite closer in recent months.

EJ isn’t pleased with Johnny and Chanel’s choice to bring a baby into this world, but Johnny is standing by his wife’s decision despite being worried. In some happier news, Xander and Sarah are engaged and I cannot wait till Konstantin is exposed and that smug look is wiped off of Alex’s face. No Alex, you are not Victor’s son and your fall from grace will be fun to watch as bad as that feels to say.

I want to see Theresa and Brady reunited, but with her little lie soon to be exposed, I fear Theresa might flee Salem much sooner than one can count to three. Maggie is just bidding her time and crafting the perfect ruse to nail Konstantin who has no idea he is being played like a fiddle. Everett aka Bobby Stein is suffering from Dissociative Identity Disorder per Dr. Marlena Evans and she suspects a trauma from his past is the direct result.

What that trauma is, the audience has yet to discover, but it has Stephanie and Jada worried. In an interesting turn of events, it is looking more and more like Clyde’s final nail in the coffin is about to unravel on “Days of Our Lives” as Ava, Harris and Rafe work together to decode that Black Book all while Chad is starting to suspect there is more to Abigail’s murder than he suspected in the beginning.

I have to agree with that assertion. Clyde wanting to murder Abigail over a story feels too far-fetched if you’re asking me to be honest.  It is very possible Abigail knew something about Clyde that no one else knew and that secret is about to come to light in a major way that places multiple lives at risk in the process. Some familiar faces are about to leave Salem people, so get ready as the beginning of the end for Nicole and Harris is happening as we speak.