UNITED STATES—Have you heard about Esports? It is a new form of competition that is starting to take the world by storm and in a massive way when it comes to video games. I have heard some rumblings about Esports within the past 2-3 years, but I had no idea how impactful this industry has become in the world.

There are people who game and there are people who seriously game. Yeah, you have plenty of parents and adults joking about grown men playing games, but not realizing the financial gain and income that can be generated in such competitions, because Esports is a big business. Yes, it started overseas but has made its way into America and there are plenty of bucks to be made doing it.

So many people talk to me about it because as a kid I was absolutely a gamer, but as you get older, like most Americans, you start to do adult things and the notion of playing a video game becomes a thing of the past, but I have recently started to slightly dabble back into old school gaming when time permits, but that is rare with work and other obligations.

Why am I considering it now? Well, it could be financially beneficial to me as a side hustle and that is something I absolutely think is great. Anyway one can have another source of income that is always a good thing and the more the merrier. I am not there yet, because I’m sure the youngsters would whip my tail in a tizzy, but I have discovered the notion of ‘speed gaming.’

Yes the concept may seem foreign, but it is very popular to say the least. How does it work? Well its like playing any typical video game, but the goal is to complete a particular level or task within a specified time frame. Yeah, I thought this was crazy, but no, people are very and I mean very competitive at this and it shows the various tricks and hidden secrets certain gamers know that others don’t.

Why is this important? Well if you’re competing in Esports ‘speed gaming’ is a massive trend right now. Hell, Nintendo just released like a special gaming system this month that is precisely dedicated to the notion of classic NES games and seeing how fast ‘true gamers’ can complete a certain task or level in iconic games like Super Marios Bros. or The Legend of Zelda. I remember both games vividly and I can look you in the face and tell you I completed both. Mario Bros. a lot easier, Zelda that game was a bit of a challenge because without a map it is NOT easy to navigate the game as so many NES games proved to be from the 80s and early 90s.

I guess this is where memory comes front and center, because the sharper your memory the more likely you are to complete something in record time compared to your cohorts.  I have noticed I can do things in a record time and I might do some digging to see what this Esports is all about. I mean if I can make some extra money doing something I’m good at why in the world wouldn’t I? I mean there was talk about including Esports as an Olympic sport for the 2024 Summer Olympics, but it didn’t make the cut, but I could absolutely see it happening come 2028.

Written By Davy Jones