HOLLYWOOD—Well, it looks like we have a serial killer on the loose because Connie has struck yet again on “Days of Our Lives.” When she was revealed as the culprit for killing Li, Gabi’s former hubby, I was stunned, because it didn’t make sense. Now the pieces of the puzzle are slowly connecting, and she was obsessed with Li which explains her current motives. She was jealous that Li didn’t reciprocate the feelings she had for him back to her.

Everett aka Bobby got entangled in her mess, and it ultimately cost him his life. Yes, Connie drugged Everett/Bobby and he tried to confess to Stephanie and Jada in his final moments that he didn’t take any drugs. Stephanie was an emotional mess, and Jada is riddled with guilt because she was unable to save her former hubby before it was too late.

Connie planted evidence in Everett’s room to make it appear as he was the culprit in Rafe’s stabbing. FYI, Rafe is still in a coma and Jada was appointed Interim Police Commissioner for the Salem Police Department. Jada realized the notion of Everett’s death being a suicide did not make any sense. Why? He tried to call 9-1-1. You don’t call 9-1-1 if you want to kill yourself. So, Jada’s detective brain is about to start churning as she tries to connect the dots.

Someone else connecting the dots is Melinda who is not fond of Gabi’s new assistant Connie, who confessed to murder after an interaction, and is now working at DiMera. Ava and Kristen have picked up on that energy and it feels like Connie’s chaos is either ramping up or about to crash and burn. Why? Connie overheard Ava and Kristen talking about her sleeping with Stefan. Connie plans to use that information to blow up Stefan and Gabi’s romance, and we all know Gabi will not be happy with that bomb being dropped.

What is Connie’s reasoning? She wants people to pay for what unfolded with Li, but Connie you’re the one that placed the knife in his back, so how about you take some ownership! Nicole and Eric left Salem for Paris with Jude, leaving Holly to stay behind and live with Grandma Maggie. Look, this Holly and Tate sneaking around storyline is a complete mess and unnecessary. Who cares? Who actually cares?

Brady and Fiona, now I did not see this happening. Brady is off on a bender yet again and this time it’s with someone who is just as bad as him in Xander’s mom. Brady, yes you slept with Fiona, more than once buddy. Fiona seems to have another angle with her return to Salem and it’s not to mend fences with Xander. It feels like Fiona is trying to get her hands on the inheritance that Xander has just come into with his father, Victor. Xander is very conflicted about things, but Fiona seems to be pushing him to collect what is rightfully his. Xander and Sarah are planning another wedding, a private one at the Kiriakis mansion, and I’m hoping this is not the scene to the truth about Fiona’s return to Xander’s life or her tryst with Brady being exposed.

Theresa is facing the music for her role in duping Alex and helping Konstantin kidnap Victoria, just as EJ is realizing that Nicole left him (what did he expect) and it seems like a vengeful EJ is going to be out for blood at some point. Chad and Jack helped rescue John who was being held captive, in a room that is quite similar to the same room where that mystery woman who looks like Abigail was being held.

Chad also found a bracelet that belonged to Abigail. So, the question of the hour is, where has Abigail been all this time, how was her body preserved after she was found stabbed by Chad and what happened to her body after it was in the morgue. Sorry “Days of Our Lives” writers there is going to have to be really convincing writing to tie up so many loose ends that may not make much sense at all people. So, two questions remain: 1) Who was holding John Black captive? 2) Why was he being held captive in the same room as this mystery woman? “Days of Our Lives” I have questions, and I want some answers, start giving them to viewers.