HOLLYWOOD—It is nice when you see a soap opera take its narrative outside of its staple home, as we have seen recently on “The Young and the Restless.” We are finally getting closer to a big reveal regarding Ashley Abbott’s DID diagnosis. In Paris, Ashley was recalling events from her spiral that led to the end of her marriage to Tucker McCall and her encounter with Alan, but it was NOT Alan people, it was his twisted brother, Martin.

Alan suspects his brother who has been MIA for several years did something to Ashley that caused her DID to resurface. What he did has still NOT been clearly defined, but I think we can all speculate what may have unfolded. Martin was about to strike again, when Tucker and Traci came to her rescue. Alan freed himself and a tussle between the brothers unfolded where they both catapulted off the balcony. Martin apparently died from the fall and Alan survived, but who is to say that Alan is truly Alan?

Twin twists are always difficult unless there is something that clearly shows a definitive difference between one twin over the other. I mean, it just felt fast for Alan to be asking Traci to dinner, after Ashely is finally getting the treatment she needs at a mental health facility. Just saying I am watching things closer than normal at the moment.

I want to return to Tucker, who is happy to have come to Ashley’s rescue, but he has his own troubles to battle with Audra and Glissade. Audra dropped a bomb on Tucker and a secret investor purchased the company from right underneath his nose without him realizing it. Who is that person? Guess, because it should NOT be too big of a surprise, it is Victor Newman.

Tucker doesn’t know that yet, but he soon will, especially after he gets over his recent medical crisis. What am I referring to? Tucker suffered a heart attack, right as the board meeting for Glissade was unfolding. Audra was not pleased thinking Tucker was faking his condition. A doctor proved otherwise and spilled the truth. However, that didn’t phase Audra too much who still had plans to move forward with her move, as it appears that Victor has plans to appoint Adam of all people to lead the new company he has acquired over Audra in due time. Oh, Audra you will never learn, Newmans are always out for themselves.

Victor is a busy bee as he is looking to exact vengeance on Jack Abbott for acting as Nikki Newman’s sponsor. Now, how is Victor mad at Jack, who if anything was the person that helped Nikki have a breakthrough and actually get the treatment she needed. Victor wants to stick it to Jack and it looks like he plans to poach Kyle from Jabot and bring him over to Newman Enterprises. Kyle is not happy at Jabot and is really bumping heads with his mother, Diana over operations, and the tension between mother and son is growing.

Kyle does have one bright spot in Claire, the two are getting closer, no kiss just yet, but I am sure it is coming and I’m all for it. Get over it Summer, you’re with Chance, and Kyle is allowed to be happy as well, especially if he’s gotten Harrison covered. Sharon and Nick, at long last, Sharon is back on the screen and it is looking more and more like, the writers might be pushing these two back together. Adam and Chelsea, are going to be an item again; they are bonding over Connor’s condition and it is just a matter of time. It sucks for Sally Spectra, but I’m sure she will bounce back, but with who, I could NOT tell you.

In other news, I can see another Lily and Billy pairing that let’s be honest, it was not great the first time around, but it looks like a second go around might be better. Lily knows about Jill’s heart condition and is bonding with Billy as a result. The big issue is Billy is trying to push Devon out of his own company, and that is something that Lily just won’t do to her brother or will she?