HOLLYWOOD—She knows America. Carly Spencer was dropped a massive bomb on “General Hospital” last week in regard to why Jason Morgan has been working for the FBI: to protect her. Yes, Spinelli and Sam did some cyber hacking and discovered precisely what the FBI had in terms of evidence on Jason, but it was Carly and her meeting with the five crime families (which I am still trying to figure out how that recording was obtained). Should I start looking at Selina Wu, Ava Jerome or someone else for leaking or recording something?

With that said, when Sam played the recording for Carly she was floored, flabbergasted, stunned, and Jason still has no idea that she knows the truth just yet, as Spinelli warned her NOT to turn herself in and to force what Jason did for the past two years to be for nothing. If Carly didn’t love Jason even more, she loves him way more now.

However, I think I am on Sam’s side here. Jason forgot about everyone else in his life, her, Danny, Jake, Scout and decided Carly was more important. I don’t think Carly liked hearing that, but I am glad that Sam voiced it. She was not upset, she was livid. Carly did her best as she always does to defend Jason, but Sam was winning this argument. This is not poor Carly, this is poor Jason and his kids who felt ONCE AGAIN their father abandoned them.

Sam had enough and made it clear she didn’t want Danny in Jason’s orbit because of the danger he brings. Carly thought Sam was being selfish, but she was doing the best to ensure her son’s safety and I thought that barb about Morgan’s demise because of Sonny’s line of work was tough for Carly to hear, but it was so true. Sam is winning this battle for me and I’m glad to see the writers give her a bit of a meaty narrative for once, where she wasn’t just running around town doing little to nothing.

When John ‘Jagger’ Cates came to celebrate with Carly with a bottle of wine, she did her best to play ball, but underneath this woman was seething. She so wanted to disclose she knows what is going on and that she would not allow him to continue to threaten Jason at her expense. Carly informed Spinelli to take down Cates, but Carly do you really want to tussle with the law after all the mess you have literally just dealt with involving Drew? You choose this life, so it’s important to deal with the consequences that come with it. Not to mention you’re going to Brennan who is working with Valentin to try to get back at Cates. Make it make sense America?

Now the tale that I am loving is Finn and his sobriety. It was heartbreaking to find Violet discover Finn with a bloody hand and glass in the apartment and just a mess. She panicked and contacted Tracy who was appalled at what she discovered. I’m just saying this right now, Jane Elliott better be penciled in for that Supporting Actress Daytime Emmy for 2025. Her work in the past two weeks has been fantastic and some of the best I’ve seen on the soap in years. Just absolutely amazing. Tracy read Finn the riot act, but he still was not getting it, he was ready to cause a scene at the Quartermaine mansion where Chase and Brook Lynn took Violet at Tracy’s urging.

Violet is worried sick about Finn and Chase and Brook Lynn are being delicate in the conversations to ensure the youngster she has nothing to worry about. Her dad should be taking care of her, not the other way around. Finn has hit rock bottom, he quit his job, Violet is not living with him, his relationship with Liz feels over and he’s turning away all of his close friends. You know who would be great to see right now: Hayden Barnes. Gosh, I wish the writers would bring this woman back; it is perfect timing for an amazing storyline, but who knows.

Cody and Sasha FINALLY shared that kiss. It was long overdue, but this tale of Cody FINALLY deciding to tell Mac the truth that he’s his son is old. Dude you have nothing to lose by spilling the truth. You have family and the fact that Sasha and Felicia for that matter hasn’t spilled the truth to Mac and they know it, I cannot fathom. It makes no sense. You have a lot of family in Port Charles, Maxie being one. Get it done already.

Thrilled to see Alexis get her law license back and her opportunity to practice yet again. Loved seeing her teeter between Molly and Kristina. I knew Kristina was going to try to keep this baby and that is about to cause a rift between the Davis girls that will not be healed anytime soon. Its good that Molly and TJ are communicating better, but if Kristina thinks those two will allow her to keep a baby that she never planned it will be a battle. Speaking of Kristina, she read Ava the riot act during dinner with Blaze, Natalia and Sonny. Yes, Sonny and Natalia are getting closer and I don’t think Ava likes that. She thought Sonny was going to defend her against Kristina. Ava really? Expect that recording Ava has of Natalia to be spilled any minute now people.

Last, but not least, Anna knows that Valentin is running Pikeman and that he has Cates thinking she is running the organization. Anna just has to get her hands on the evidence to prove it’s Valentin and clear her name in the same process. This is a dangerous game to play because I can’t tell if Valentin truly has feelings for Anna or if he’s using her. I see dangerous waters coming real soon. With that said, is Gio supposed to be a love interest for Josslyn or Trina? At first, I thought Trina, but he has more chemistry with Josslyn. I think Dex and Josslyn are over people and Gio is the new guy that has caught her eye.

News that MUST BE DISCUSSED. If you have been under a rock, get up, because Jonathan Jackson is returning to Port Charles! Yes, the man who created Lucky Spencer is headed back home and I am salivating at the idea of what storylines he will be entangled in. One of the best actors on the soap ever, that scene where he rails on Elizabeth and Nikolas after learning about their affair, a masterclass in acting! I can’t wait.