HOLLYWOOD—It looks like destruction is the name of the game yet again for Billy Abbott on “The Young and the Restless.” Yes, for a moment there, I truly thought Lily and Billy were about to reunite not just as a couple, but business partners, but things turned sour very quickly. He fired Lily unbeknownst to her from Chancellor Abbott, Chance has now left the company after realizing Billy has become Devon without realizing it, he has alienated his brother Jack, and worse of all, he hasn’t a clue that Victor is about to strike with an ace up his sleeve.

How so? He plans to poach Lily for information about Billy and Chancellor to use that in his bid to take the company from Billy, give it to Nikki and place Lily back in her position as CEO. Lily has to be weary of working with Victor because Victor cares only about his family first and foremost. Everyone else comes second. I mean Lily did you forget that Victoria and Nate were about to poach your company behind your back? If his daughter was going to do it, what makes you think that Victor Newman himself won’t do it.

The worst thing about this situation is that Billy doesn’t see himself as spiraling at all America. He is out to prove everyone who has ever doubted him wrong, but I feel like Billy is about to fall flat on his face. When he does, he’s going to spiral, he’s going to binge drink and there is no telling what he does. I totally forgot to factor in that he’s dealing with Chelsea cheating on him with Adam of all people.

Let’s talk about Adam because he’s really upset at Chelsea for blabbing, but did he think it was ok to continue to lie to Sally and she not find out what he did behind her back. Sally has made it clear to Adam and Chelsea there is no coming back from this betrayal, she’s over the Newman and good for Sally. Do I care to see Adam and Chelsea back together as a viewer? Not really. I always thought Adam’s true love was Sharon, but Sharon’s true love is Nick.

Speaking of Sharon, the woman is spiraling and those visits from Cameron is only making matters worse by the minute. He is out to push her over the edge. She has flipped out on Phyllis, Daniel, Heather, Lucy, Victor, Mariah, Nikki, Faith, and even Nick himself. Gosh, I was so happy to see Faith, FINALLY tell Nick about Sharon’s visions of Cassie and Cameron. Sharon railed on Heather and Phyllis yet again, and it was apparent to Phyllis that her frenemy is definitely on edge and something is off.

Like you all know this woman has a mental health issue and not sharing these details only makes matters worse. Nick, Faith and Mariah discovered that Sharon is NOT taking her meds as expected and crisis mode has gone into extreme effect. I mean she sternly warned Daniel and Heather about Lucy, and then blew up on the couple and their daughter during a run in at Genoa City.

Yeah, shocking, but I keep thinking Heather fails to realize Sharon has lost a child, she has not, so that level of grief Heather has no clue about and seeing Daniel is a constant reminder of it. Yeah, Daniel, you and your family leaving GC for a little while wouldn’t be a bad idea at all because I fear Sharon is about to do something that causes serious harm to one or several people as a result.  Mariah and Nick concocted a plan to find out if Sharon is actually taking her meds and what they discovered was stunning.

Kyle just keeps butting heads with Diane and Jack, even with Jack trying to bridge a gap, Kyle is still barking. However, Claire is the one person who is getting Kyle to open his eyes and see that he needs to get over the anger and rage that is consuming him and his life. Yes, Claire is that sounding board and it’s just a matter of time before these two become an item; one that is worth seeing. Audra spilled the beans to Nate about Victor being the secret investor, which Kyle is well-aware of and has fed that intel to Victor, who was none too pleased to say the least.

Really? Are the writers considering Nick and Phyllis for another go around. I just don’t want to see that. Nick needs to be Sharon’s rock, despite Victor and Nikki not wanting to see it, butt out of Nick’s life; he’s a grown man; he knows what he is doing, and it’s time for Victor to focus on all the shenanigans he has going on and not so focused on what his adult children are doing.