HOLLYWOOD—Well, the jury phase of the game has begun on “Big Brother 26.” Let me just say this has been the best pre-jury phase I can recall in the game in years and I mean years. Every single week, since week 4, the Thursday night eviction has been a stunner or exciting as hell. Cedric was blindsided, we weren’t sure if Cam was going to be blindsided in week 5, Tucker was blindsided week 6, and WOWZA, this past week left me more giddy than I have ever been.

I mean Joseph on the block alongside Kimo and Rubina. The house was planning to vote out Kimo to break up the trio (T’Kor, Rubina and Kimo), but Chelsea had other plans. It was literally a last minute, we didn’t know who’s voting for who in that scenario, and this was an EPIC blindside because Joseph was booted in a 4-3 vote, Cam didn’t know, Leah didn’t know and Quinn for the second HOH in a row saw a super close ally leave the game. Quinn, you NEVER put up your own numbers, no matter what.

When Makensy went into that diary room and cast that vote to evict Joseph, I nearly fell out of my seat because I didn’t expect it to happen in a million years. I was still weary, but then you had Angela bawling, and I thought she was going to keep Kimo, but she voted him out, so it was a virtual 3-3 tie until Chelsea choose to vote to evict Joseph and the look on Quinn, Joseph, Angela and Leah’s face when she revealed who was evicted was beyond priceless. Just some stellar gameplay and it’s easily obvious the AI Arena Twist is the best thing the reality series has done in its 25 years since unleashing the Golden Power of Veto at the end of season 3.

It has to come back for BB27, it just has to because the level of unpredictability it has brought to the game is unlike anything else. However, now it was time for some explaining, as the viewers discovered BOTH Makensy and Chelsie voted out Joseph based on a last-minute decision. Kimo’s speech apparently swayed them, but I don’t know I feel like that’s a lie, but ok.

This next HOH competition was a memory comp and it was beyond boring. I mean jeez, it was a slog to get thru. This is much better suited during the live show on Thursdays. The comp had everyone do quite well except, Angela and Rubina who struggled a slight bit. We had a 4-way tie between Cam, Makensy, Chelsie and Kimo. Math is not many people’s strong suit, as Chelsie picked up her second HOH. So much for all that chatter about Chelsie trying to throw the competition.

Chelsie after 2 HOHs I have realized tries to keep her hands too clean for me. You’re in the jury phase, make a move, break-up the trio as that is 3 votes there and we’re in the final nine. It is risky to keep them intact this late in the game. However, Chelsie nominated Angela (yet again) and Kimo. Why people agree to be pawns I don’t get it; especially this season America. With that said, Angela at least put up a fight, Kimo not so much. Sorry, but Kimo is a bit of a dud in the game. The trio ONLY seem to play when one of them is at risk of going home, otherwise they sit back and just talk to one another.

With that said, Makensy won the Power of Veto competition and initially had no plans to use it until Angela being Angela came up with a ludicrous theory. Leah and Quinn were working with the trio, T’Kor, Kimo and Rubina. Not true, but with the move being made this week, it is indeed likely Leah will align with that trio versus Makensy, Cam and Chelsie. Why? Leah floats to the power; whoever is in power is her bestie for the week. Just look back at the previous weeks and you will see.

Quinn was dealt another blow, when Chelsie and Makensy being so keen on making a ‘BIG MOVE’ used the POV on Angela, yes, Angela for the third time this season, to take her off the block and place Quinn up. Hmm, Angela is not loyal to anyone she has proven that to Tucker and now Leah, so Makensy and Chelsie, bad read. Yes, you have 2 trios in the game with Angela and Leah on the outs, which means both sides will be vying for both of them to take out the other side.

Slight problem. Cam, Chelsie and Makensy are proving to be better competitors than T’Kor, Rubina and Kimo. In addition, we just had a quiz, so I expect a physical, perhaps endurance competition this week. Yes, I would love to see Angela win HOH again, but the person who I think would shake the game up the most is Leah. I could see Leah taking a shot at almost everyone left in the game and I would love to see it. I want to see chaotic infighting from all sides including Angela who just threw Leah out to the wolves as well.

Could Quinn survive this week? Its very possible, because if Makensy opened her eyes she would realize that Quinn is good for her game, not to mention Cam realizing if Quinn left, it is down to just 2 guys left in the game, and he’s the biggest physical threat. I’d rather have Quinn compared to Kimo who is likely to put Cam up if he won HOH. Quinn is going to have Leah, and he could easily get Cam, which means Makensy and Chelsie would be key. The problem with a backdoor is once it is put into action you cannot go back on it.

The trust is already lost and it just tells the person who was to leave that you cannot be trusted. Will admit Quinn as the first juror of 7 would be fun, but also this past week has been a bit slower than previous weeks, as the impact of the AI Arena is starting to be felt.

I’m looking forward to week 9 to see what chaos is about to emerge in the BB26 house! However, I’m now worried that a new twist is about to be introduced to the game that is going to potentially stifle gameplay.