HOLLYWOOD—The game has completely changed on “Big Brother 26” after an epic move and blindside that delivered perhaps one of the best episodes of the season. The BB AI Arena, I liked it at first, but it is stifling gameplay for me a bit. Players are scared of making a move because the player they want out of the game is likely to stay in the game. Well, this past week it worked to perfection with last minute strategy, scrambling and an epic blindside.

Yes, Makensy was a backup target in case Tucker won the Power of Veto after Quinn utilized his Deepfake HOH power against Angela. As a result, Quinn nominated Rubina because surprise T’Kor and Kimo delayed actually telling their ally that Leah was not fond of him. That put the duo in a pickle, and it placed a ton of houseguests in a pickle as lines were drawn in the sand.

Makensy won the AI Arena in a nailbiter making her safe, and Cedric remained on the block with Rubina. Yeah, dicey. Kimo and T’Kor already chatted previously about making the move and it came together with literal minutes before the vote. People were crying, people were scrambling it was intense, and in an epic vote Cedric was sent packing with Brooklyn, Cam, Chelsie and Quinn all blindsided.

T’Kor and Kimo were confident in the move in the midst of doing it, but nowhere close to being ready to deal with the fallout. You don’t just let an ally like Quinn who is giving you all this game information go. He was hurt and they blindsided him in the worst fashion and made it seem like no big deal. Oh, if I’m Quinn I’d still work with them because where else can he go, but you better believe when the opportunity arises for me to take T’Kor, Kimo and Joseph (more on him later) out of the game, I’m doing it without any hesitation.

T’Kor and Kimo you have to socialize with the opposition because they’re failing to realize the other side could win power and if so, “You in danger girl.” T’Kor and Kimo have no idea that Brooklyn, Quinn, Cam and Chelsie will all put them up in a minute. The same with Joseph. Joseph is playing a very rat like game that is so obvious and is tied to Tucker and Leah (who I think) will be his downfall, more Tucker than Leah. Everyone sees him spending more time with Tucker, and I think Joseph fails to realize he doesn’t have that solid ally that is going to stick out their next to save him if he’s on the block. Tucker might, Leah may, but Tucker can’t win every competition, even though he thinks otherwise.

I’m sorry, I loved Tucker in the beginning, but his ego needs to be humbled. I can slowly see him become the villain in the next week or so when he loses power, he is on the block and he has no AI Arena to save himself. Who would be best for Tucker to sit on the block against to ensure he goes home is Kimo or Joseph. Joseph might get the boot, but that would be a massive blow to both Tucker and Leah’s game that would force them to reassess. Also Kimo going would shatter a few alliances as well.

Brooklyn was pissed at Kimo, T’Kor and Joseph, as was Chelsie. Cam was Cam, gosh I wish this guy just showed any bit of interest in the game. He just seems there, and if Cam is on the block against any nominee by the end of the week, I would send him home. He is just not giving anything that makes me care about him as a player and he barely strategizes. Does he want to play “Big Brother” or is he just happy to make jury.

Tucker was planning to shake up the house and nominated Cam, Brooklyn and Quinn, with Brooklyn as the target. Sorry Tucker, you really need Chelsie out not Brooklyn. She has a hold over T’Kor and Kimo that I just don’t understand. They are more loyal to her than she is to them and they have no idea, if she wins HOH next week if she’s still in the house, they touching the block. Same with Brooklyn. I need to see Chelsie and Brooklyn stay in the house for excitement.

Tucker won the POV again, that is three consecutive weeks, and he has an HOH and two AI arenas under his belt. Guess what? You’re not making it to the end Tucker, you are going to find yourself targeted as soon as the AI Arena ends or at the first double eviction of this season, which I think is happening at the end of the month or the first week of September. Remember we had a seven-person jury last season, and I think we’re going to see the same thing this season, with the twist being the first double eviction leading to the last two people not making the jury to raise the stakes, hate to say it, but I would love to see that.

Kimo and T’Kor wanted to get MJ on the block, but Tucker was not budging, so he planned to use the POV on Quinn for good TV and placed Chelsie up instead. It was another POV with tons of chaos as a result. Brooklyn blew a gasket, Timo (T’Kor and Kimo) was placed in the crosshairs again, as was Joseph. Tucker thought he was doing something by revealing The Collective, um, you weren’t. Sorry, but most of the house knew about it, and Quinn is starting to realize he might not be able to trust Joseph. Yeah, Brookyln didn’t leak your final two, Joseph did. MJ is now fawning over Tucker, as is Leah, Rubina, Angela, Joseph, Kimo, damn is this a cult. This is feeling like Paul in BB19, and everyone knows how much we HATED THAT SEASON!

Makensy is a competitor. She is a bit lost in the game, but she will be loyal to whoever brings her in, but Tucker and Leah are not the key. You need people who you can strategize with. Brooklyn and Chelise had MJ, but neglected her and that led to Cedric getting booted last week. Leah, I would be skeptical of working with because she leaks way too much information, and is too self-absorbed for me to care.

Rubina is not a good player, when MJ has you doubting things that is a massive problem, and if Kimo and T’Kor don’t start talking to people I’m going to lose it. I seriously want someone to win HOH next week who will nominate a combination of Joseph, Leah, T’Kor, Tucker and Kimo. They need a fire lit under their butts. T’Kor and Kimo are totally stifling their gameplay, but not chatting, especially T’Kor. Brookyln versus Tucker would be iconic, we cannot lose this woman, she is going to give Tucker a run for his money and I’m all for it because he needs to be humbled. I’m telling you Tucker is about to go from hero to villain in the coming weeks.