HOLLYWOOD—Targets shift. That is the big theme of the week for “Big Brother 26.” Just because you have plans doesn’t mean those plans can’t change. This was a nothing Head of Household competition because with Quinn’s deepfake HOH power looming, whoever won, if not aligned with Quinn would have little to no power. FYI, Tucker dominated the AI Arena competition, Kenney was sent packing and Tucker’s ego is getting a bit much for me.

It is one thing to feel like an underdog, it is another thing to come across as a jerk, which is what I’m slightly getting with Tucker. He noted in his pre-season interview that he knows what it’s like to be the bully and to be bullied. Well, Tucker you’re showing bully tactics when people do not do what you want you go into attack mode.

Tucker knew he was in trouble if he didn’t win HOH, but luckily for him, Angela became the first two-peat of the season winning her second HOH. She was ecstatic, but Quinn was not and neither was Brooklyn who felt personally targeted by Angela, and she was people. I like Angela for TV purposes, but as a player I would need her out the house. She is too unpredictable and emotional as a player to rely on.

Angela and Tucker bonded, and she was certain she would have nominations to make, oh, was she surprised when Ainsely appeared and a deepfake of her was composed revealing the nominations that were made by Quinn. This is why powers should remain secret because it would have been great TV to witness. The moment would have been glorious TV.

Quinn is great socially, but on a strategic level he talks too much and spills way too much for me. Talk less and listen more because Quinn could have gotten intel that Leah REALLY doesn’t like him and she should have been nominated this week, but she wasn’t. Instead, Tucker the obvious choice, Makensy who has mentioned Quinn’s name and Cedric touched the block. I’m sorry, I’m over the AI Arena because its stagnating gameplay because people are willing to volunteer for the block which is just stupid. You never ask to be nominated because you never know what can transpire in this house. You can think you’re safe and next thing you know you’re walking out the door to talk to Julie Chen.

This is just proof once again that the twists stifle gameplay they don’t encourage players to play hard if you ask me. Oh, and there was another twist unleashed in the game this week, that some would argue was a bit of a game-changer. The moment you think the game will open, a new twist is unleashed that stifles the gameplay: AI Instigator. Don’t ask me what it is because the details of the twist was not spilled, just that America will have a vote, great, it all depends on how the editors edit the show.  I mean I see why people love BB10 because it was a back to the basics season and look what we got as a result.

Less twists and just let the players play the game, because I feel like when the game returns to just two players being nominated the real backstabbing and player motives will come out. T’Kor and Kimo are just too passive! You know, you know Leah doesn’t like Quinn and if you want to protect Rubina you spill to him. Did they? Nope. Tucker has gotten a group, but not all are misted. What is the issue? T’Kor finds him way too unpredictable, while Rubina and Kimo are in love with the guy.

Hate to say it, but if Tucker leaves I think Kimo will really wake up and start playing, while, Rubina will be forced to do something. Sorry, she has been literally MIA on the show for me, and not the player I thought she would be. Chelsie and Brooklyn are playing incredible games being well-insulated, but people like Quinn and a few others are starting to see it.

Leah, why is she here? Cam, why is he here? Both players that are flops for me. Jospeh is Joseph, if only he could find a reliable ally I think he could do some serious damage in the game. Cedric is proof that he has a stable head, but that volunteering for the block is a bit idiotic and you could be blindsided potentially on Thursday if you don’t win the AI Arena or you find yourself on the block with Rubina if Makensy is safe.

Makensy could be a massive asset for Chelsie, Brooklyn and other players in the house, but none of them are using her; like what the hell is wrong with these people. If you see someone has NO ONE that is a sign you should scoop them up to be an asset to your game, especially Chelise, who Makensy is super loyal too.

Quinn is pledging his allegiance to ‘The Visionaries,’ but T’Kor and Kimo are not as loyal to him, and T’Kor should be worried about Kimo who never told her about Quinn’s power. It almost feels like no one has a solid ally in the game because everyone is throwing each other under the bus or spilling secrets they should be keeping to themselves.

It feels like we are going to get our first endurance HOH competition this week. It is not confirmed, but I feel it in my gut and with a new twist coming to the game this is indeed the perfect time for the houseguests to truly battle for the power and perhaps we don’t see three nominees anymore. Hell, if anything, what if you go into the AI Arena, and if you lose, you’re out, there is no house vote. Now that is a twist people; two winners, one loser, no more volunteers.