HOLLYWOOD—Power moves were made last week, and thank God, that Jankie World is over on “Big Brother 26,” but maybe we need it back after this week. Leah’s HOH did take out a massive player who could have won the game if she got to the end in T’Kor. Yeah, it looked like Rubina was the target to begin, but Makensy saw an opportunity and she took advantage. Rallying Angela, Leah and ultimately Cam to secure the vote to send T’Kor to the jury house to see Quinn.

Yes, it was impressive play by Makensy and Angela in my opinion. Why? They got closer, but a massive problem would erupt come week 10. We got the start of a live HOH. Oh, BB needs to stop this mess and go back to live Head of Household competitions on Thursday. It is what fans and viewers loved to see in the earlier seasons and we want to see it more. It was another stacking competition, like where the hell is the Before and After quiz, how about a crapshoot? I mean there are competitions from the days past that have not been used in years, like rolling a ball into a bucket for points.

With that said, Angela was looking strong and if she succeeded her plans were to backdoor Chelsie, the biggest threat remaining in the game. However, Angela didn’t clinch her third HOH, it was Makensy with her first. Yes. The women are indeed dominating the competitions this season which is great to see. However, if you thought previous HOHs were bad, Makensy said hold my beer.

Makensy and Leah have been at odds at times throughout the game, but they have aligned several times to make big moves, how about the Cedric blindside, the Tucker blindside and most recently to take out T’Kor. Leah is a number for you Makensy, guess who else you built a bond with? Angela, who you saved with the veto leading to Quinn’s blindside and eviction.

So why on Earth are you wanting to take out the two people who are prioritizing you? If anything you’re sending a clear message to both ladies that you do not want their jury vote. This has nothing with them being a threat. Angela is, but she’s NOT coming after you she is coming after the person who is the biggest threat to everyone winning the game: Chelise. Let Angela and Leah take that shot, and you sit in the middle as the dust settles.

Makensy had her sights set on Angela, yes, the woman who sort of blew her game up in week one by pointing out her allegiance to Matt, she has been harboring revenge and wants to take her out. Hmm, I wonder how Leah will feel about that. Not good. So, Angela learns she is being nominated for the sixth time, while Kimo was being nominated yet again for the fifth time. Makensy is not good at keeping a low profile talking about her competitive prowess placing a potential target on her back when she can’t compete for HOH and that’s bad.

Why? A Double Eviction is coming and guess what? Kimo, Rubina, Cam and Chelsie are already talking about taking a shot at Makensy. Let’s say this, if Makensy doesn’t win that final six Power of Veto, she’s likely going to the jury house followed by this week’s evictee.

Yes, I was certain it was Angela, but in a turn of events, Makensy decided to backdoor Leah. Yes, she used the POV on Kimo for the second consecutive week and replaced him with an ally who wouldn’t put her up. Like what the hell is Makensy thinking? I feel gut-punched for Leah because this is a major betrayal, and it would be karmic to see Makensy follow Leah out the door on Thursday for bad gameplay.

Chelsie is a good player, that I will give to her, but the strategy this season is just horrid. Like where is T’Kor or Quinn when you need them to put some sense into people. With this week’s evictee needing three votes to stay, this could go to a tiebreaker and if I’m Kimo and Rubina, I would put the votes on Angela, and not tell Cam or Chelsie so they vote for Leah, and you force Makensy to have to break a tie. This could force Makensy to actually save Leah, feeling remorseful about the initial move she made.

If she votes Leah out, she really could lose Leah’s jury vote and then open the door for a fun DE, where Angela would be out for blood, Makensy is vulnerable as hell, Cam and Chelsie blindsided by Kubina’s move and perhaps, just maybe, just maybe, Rubina and Kimo earn their first HOH and perhaps strike at Makensy, Cam and Chelsie.

Also Chelsie, your jealously over Cam is really showing and it’s not a good look on you. This side of Chelsie I cannot stand. You’re possessive over a guy who is NOT INTERESTED IN YOU! Why have you not picked up on that? Cam sees you like his little sister; you’re talking and behaving around this guy like you’re dating. You’re not. I wonder if she would have had this same reaction if T’Kor was flirting with Cam? If Zingbot is delivering jabs about the relationship that isn’t and you still haven’t picked it up, I don’t know what to say. Yeah, Zingbot returned this week, a lot later than usual at the final seven and his zings have not been zingers in years. Bring back Kathy Griffin who delivered some actual zingers that stung to the core.

I need to see one of those three out the game because with five people left and only two weeks left in the game, there has to be some sort of twist coming with this hint of Ainsley having another trick up her sleeve. Could we see a jury buyback? I do believe so and the schedule would allow it. If not I definitely can see a reset week transpiring and that would be a total bummer, but intriguing if the houseguests don’t know it’s happening.

Makensy you really amplified that target on your back winning the POV this week as well. Clean sweep, and chatter immediately amplified to you being the biggest competition threat in the game with four competition wins, not including the two AI Arena victories. So, Leah and Angela sitting on the block, I think Leah can work some magic on Kimo and Rubina for them to realize she is massive gain for their games if she stays and she is. Send Angela packing, let Leah stay and go after Makensy, Chelsie and Cam and you two stay in the middle. Leah said it best, Makensy was played like a fiddle. She seems to realize it, but will that push her to make a move against Chelsie.

We shall see, one thing is for certain, Chelsie ain’t great at jury management. Blindsiding Quinn and Leah for no reason can leave a bad taste and with only seven jurors voting, every vote counts. Let’s see what unfolds with this double eviction. Here’s hoping we get something exciting, because we haven’t had one in years.