HOLLYWOOD—It was so obvious and the fact that some people, but NOT all people can see that Sonny Corinthos is responsible for John ‘Jagger’ Cates’ murder on “General Hospital” has me baffled, until now. Why? All may not be as it seems. I was certain that Sonny fired that shot into Cates, but some serious tea was dropped this week.

Alexis’ vehicle was spotted at the Quartermaine mansion on the night that Cates was killed. I don’t recall that tidbit, so now my eyes have been opened. It felt like more than two guns were fired when Cates was shot. It looked as clear as day that Sonny committed the deed, but what if he didn’t and it was someone else? This is baffling me because I don’t see how Sonny escapes this time around. I know it wasn’t Alexis, it wasn’t Kristina, and if it wasn’t Sonny, who could be culpable America?

I’m starting to suspect Ric Lansing! I mean he suddenly returns to Port Charles after being MIA for years. He has a tenuous relationship with Alexis as it pertains to Molly and he still has an ax to grind with Sonny Corinthos of all people. What has convinced me even more? Well, take a look at Ric’s decision to represent Ava in her quest to gain sole custody of Avery. Yeah, two parents who have both murdered someone vying for the custody of their daughter. Yeah, I feel sorry for Avery.

Ric’s issue is his hatred for Sonny is so strong it is obvious. Ric does indeed get under Sonny’s skin, but Sonny gets under Ric’s skin even more. Ava is even questioning rather she can trust Ric. The answer is simple Ava: NO! Molly what are you doing, she literally handed her mother and sister over to the Port Charles Police Department. Alexis was arrested and is seen as the top suspect in Cates murder, much to Molly and Kristina’s chagrin.

Why is this vital? I suspect that all this mayhem is going to ultimately lead to Sam’s demise in the coming weeks. Yes, Sam is going to be murdered per rumors very soon, and I think she is going to discover the person responsible for murdering Cates and that person is going to take her out. I hate to say this, but I suspect that individual is going to be Ric Lansing.

If its not I will be thrilled and excited, but my gut is screaming Ric is up to no good because he immediately wanted to point the authorities in Alexis’ direction after he and Elizabeth spotted her dropping that gun into the water. Ric is a devious fiend.

There is other plenty of madness in Port Charles, Willow is still fraught with guilt over her feelings with Drew, and with Curtis knowing that secret, I can only imagine someone else will discover soon. I mean Willow you’re confessing your secret to Lulu who is comatose, but Elizabeth nearly overheard you or perhaps she heard it all and is staying mum. Making matters worse, Willow is now aware that Sasha knows about the kiss she shared with Drew.

This Brook Lynn and Chase issue of to have a baby or not to have a baby. I don’t care. I’m glad these two are together, but I want to see some stress on their marriage. Chase is too much of a goody two shoes for my liking. I want to see some depth from the character and Chase be forced to face his dark side. Same with Cody and Sasha. They are cute, but not much is happening with them now and it’s like, who cares?

Give us something or let the characters go. I mean we’re killing off Sam McCall, when we have lackluster characters on the soap who are NOT and have not done anything in months if not years? I’m starting to wonder what is going to happen with Nina Reeves. I mean she doesn’t have Sonny, she doesn’t have Drew, so what is she going to do next? He’ll use her for his campaign, but his attraction to Willow is going to blow up in his face.

The big narrative at the moment involves rescuing Lucky Spencer, which now has Anna, Jason, Laura and Brennan involved. Lucky is in Somalia and being held by some villain who is very smitten by Holly Sutton. Yes, that swindler Holly is back in the mix people. Laura and Kevin are supposedly in Somalia looking for Lucky, but the viewers have yet to see them.

In addition, Jason and Anna have aligned and are there to rescue Lucky as well. It is intriguing to see Anna try to get Jason to see Sonny’s wicked side, but Anna you helped Valentin escape authorities after crimes he committed, and we haven’t even discussed his tampering of Sonny’s meds people.

Lucky is key to saving Lulu’s life as she needs a liver transplant and guess what, we have a recast, so Lulu is indeed returning to the soap opera, I would say right before November Sweeps if not earlier. Oh, Alexis has been carted off to prison which means, Kristina is about to be pushed to her limit, so will she confess the truth, and what will Sonny do to protect Alexis and his daughter now.