UNITED STATES—If you have kids the realization is already here; it’s August people, and in a few weeks, school will be back in session. We already chatted about school supplies and how it’s important not to wait till the last minute to purchase those supplies which seem to disappear faster than you realize once school officially kicks into gear.

With that said, there are other things to consider, in particular clothing for kids, tweens and teens, and if you have a college student, preparing them to get used to living on their own and purchasing items for their dorm. Let’s start the discussion with the college student, as a freshman you think you will need everything in the world for your dorm, but the reality is you don’t.

Those dorms are super small and be advised you only have so much space; you want to ensure you get the essentials and don’t overindulge because you’ll have things you can’t use, or you have no place to put them. I loved Bed, Bath and Beyond when they were still around. Well, they are, but it’s online and it’s through a different company. Not the same as actually going inside the store seeing all the items and knowing exactly what you need for the dorm.

Note to the wise: don’t automatically get a loft because you think it opens up the door for more space. Look, it does to some degree, but that is only if you want to sleep high in the air, and you’re not mandated to do so. If you want to do it, so be it, if not then don’t. That loft that is put up also has to be taken down which a lot of people fail to acknowledge or realize. The parents are already paying for tuition, so you want to conserve as much of that money as needed because you never know when you will need it for your student or students. Just because it is on the list for the college student, doesn’t mean it is a must have.

With that said, you have to transition to the little ones because they are the most difficult to shop for when it comes to heading back to school. Why? You have to drag them along with you to the stores. The kids have to try on the clothes, they have grown over the summer so the shoes they used to wear they may not be able to wear anymore. You might have to purchase uniforms if your child attends a school that requires such. Yes, you might think those uniform pants and shirts will be around 24/7, but the reality is that is NOT the case. They go faster than you imagine.

In addition, you want to get those ‘fresh’ clothes for the school year. The funny thing is that those brand-new clothes are worn within the first week of school, so you just recycle throughout the rest of school year. Then you get into the teenagers which is the challenge. Why? They don’t want to deal with mom and dad, they want to do their own thing when it comes to getting the backpack or clothing they want for school. Yes, you have the brand name clothing versus just the everyday clothing, and you have the teens asking for the money to purchase their items. What is the problem? They don’t let the dollar stretch and instead of getting several outfits, they get only two or three. Not good.

As I have gotten older, I have realized the clothes don’t make a person, the person makes the clothing. How you wear and style your clothes is all up to you, the brand does not dictate style even though social media and the countless influencers pushing products online would like for you to think. Just because a celebrity is wearing a brand of clothing doesn’t mean you have too as well.

Too many people fail to realize that celebrities are PAID TO PROMOTE A BRAND. If they weren’t paid to wear that brand, there is a very strong likelihood they would NOT be wearing that brand. So just because you see it, that doesn’t mean it is the glory of all clothing. Parents have to consider their budgets and not go out of their way to overspend to prepare their kids for school. People may not want to hear this, but now is the time, hitting the outlet malls are a great place to get deals on shoes and clothing for all. Any way you can save money is key, that is more money you’ll have for other things, and it will happen throughout the school year.

With that said, if you head to the local mall or the discount stores, if you see a deal and you find something you know your children will need and they don’t have it, it doesn’t hurt to get it. Don’t wait till that week before school because EVERYONE will be out trying to purchase things. In addition, the retailers know people will spend money so the sales will be sparce; you don’t want sparce sales, you want great ones.

Written By Zoe Mitchell