Atlanta, Georgia—On June 27, the incumbent President, Joe Biden and the former President, Donald J. Trump went head to head in the first Presidential debate of 2024. This debate is unique in that it has been recorded as the earliest any two presidential candidates have held such an event. The number of intricacies are far too numerous to be contained on one page.

This campaign period holds some similarities to the infamous Riepublican Richard Nixon campaign that ended with him defeating Democrat Vice President Humbert Humphrey.

The year was 1982, the school was Milford High School in Milford, Connecticut. The class, Techniques of Propaganda, taught by Mr. A. Mandatory reading was, the notes to the 1968 Richard Nixon Debate.

Take aways from the book were that Richard Nixon was not a big man and his vice during this campaign was that he sweat profusely. Note that Nixon was frequently depicted in a dark suit so as the sweat rings under the arms would go unnoticed. After all, it would be unbecoming of the future leader of the free world to show up to his debate with visible arm pit stains. Fifty six years later, the two debates hold some similarities.

President Biden is not a small man. Reports indicate an enormous amount of effort was put into Joe Biden who would be standing on stage alongside the towering presence of Donald J. Trump. The President was not on retreat the week before the scheduled debate. On the contrary, those privy to the information have reports that Biden had a makeshift stage at Camp David.

Reporters, commented on Biden being hoarse from the onset of the debate. He practiced for a week. Some claimed his lack of facial expression was due to all of the botox used on his face in an effort to help the President not to appear weak on the world stage. But no amount of cosmetics could make up could compensate for Biden’s blank stare.

He appeared to remember what he was supposed to say, but not in any certain order, and not necessarily when the right question was asked of him. Biden was asked about the immigration problem at the U.S. southern border with Mexico. His answer had to do with three people losing their lives during the Trump Administration.

A wide lane was left open for Trump to note how many deaths have been caused by the constant influx of migrants flooding into our country illegally. But Trump used the other avenue left open for him. Yes, he was responsible for the death of terrorist and ISIS leader, Abul Bakr al-baghadi.

The media has been told not to make fun of a man with a speech impediment. Okay, but has become more pronounced. The longer he speaks the worse the incoherent mumbling gets. At one point during the debate, Trump turned to the moderators and said, “I have no idea what he just said, and I don’t think he does either.” We may never know.

The last question of the debate was redundant. It was on age. Both candidates were to answer the question, “What would you say to the American people concerned about your age?”

No answer was needed, but Biden answered first as requested sayin, “Look what I’ve done.” Trump too, could have said, Look what I’ve done, or Look what he’s done, but both he and President Biden behaved themselves on stage allowing the American people to get the full gist of the debate.

Trump’s reply was that he took cognitive tests, twice, and aced it. He has been checked out to make sure he was physically fit to serve as President.

News commentary following the debate went from one extreme to another. Some pitied Biden. The kindest of reporters indicated that she was filled with a profound sadness and empathy for Biden.

Others reporters speculated that this debate was scheduled this early by the Democrat party on purpose to determined if Biden could withstand the winds of time and if he was unable to prove himself, the Democrat party had time to find their choice as a suitable substitute.

The media’s claims hold substance in that the California Governor, Gavin Newsom who has his own crisis back home with the homeless population, has been ever present on the Biden’s campaign trail. Former President Barack Obama has also made his presence known with former secretary fo state, Hillary Clinton milling around in the background.

Multiple news reports indicated when former Trump would share who his VP pick would be. Some announced he would surely make his announcement at this Trump rally or the next. Many news outlets suggested Trump would make the announcement at the debate.

He didn’t have to. The debate itself spoke volumes. Two of Trump’s VP picks were present at Thursday’s debate. Vivek Ramaswamy was there. Byron Donalds held a very successful interview with NBC beforehand explaining the newest wave of black voters for Trump.

Donalds told his interviewers point blank that those who have also been persecuted in some way have that in common with Trump who has endured being prosecuted and convicted in order to represent the American people as their President.

Post debate commentary was not kind to Biden. There was no mention of winners and losers from riled up reporters after this debate. It was obvious, and it was sad. After the exhausted President finished in the 90 plus minute debate, social media had a field day at Biden’s expense.

One such commentary posted a gif of pallbearers carrying out the casket making reference to the Biden team attempting to get him off the stage.

For the normally boisterous Trump, his actions spoke louder than words ever could have. He held another Trump rally in nearby Chesapeake, Virginia. He didn’t take the stage until the day after the debate on June 28 at 4:00 p.m. He spoke for another 90 minutes.