HOLLYWOOD—I would be lying if I didn’t admit I was surprised with the move made by the Gata tribe last week on “Survivor.” I mean they booted Jon, after Andy literally had a meltdown in front of Jeff Probst and the other tribes. I guess they were thinking strength. Okay, but I can tell you one thing, if they make it to the merge, the other tribes are definitely coming after Andy because he just showed he’s not reliable and will turn on you whenever he can.

This week’s episode ‘Epic Boss Girl Move’ didn’t even pick up with the aftermath of the Gata vote, we go directly to Lavo where we learn Rome dug up the box, and spilled to Teeny he found a Beware Advantage. Not good. Teeny realized that him having the advantage was not good. Teeny spilled to Kishan that Rome has the idol. Gosh, people talk too much in this game. Way too much for my liking. Rome catches Teeny and Kishan red-handed. Not good, that is a brazen move; Rome is NOT going to trust Teeny now. Girl, what are you thinking.

Rome realized the idol is only good for one Tribal Council, and then realized going on for a stronger idol with others knowing is not worth it. Not even 10 minutes into the episode and alliances are being blown apart. Back at Tuku, TK acknowledged that Kyle is his #1, but he’s not fully trusting Gabe who he knows has an idol or advantage to play. TK chatted with Tiyana and wanted them to align with Kyle. I like that three to dominate the game. Now we return to Gata where Andy is repairing the bad mistakes from last week’s episode. This placating of Andy is painful to watch because it’s NOT GENUINE at all. Andy realized the girls might be up to no good. They started searching for an idol and little do they realize; the idol won’t be that easy to obtain.

Andy started to spiral when he was left alone but chose to start hunting for the advantage. Right move, Andy, and guess what, he found it. However, he decided to put it back. That is indeed a first, and he might regret that. The idol guarantees him safety, the vote, not so much. Back at Lavo they were continuing to build up their camp. Rome just seems to want a target on his back and perhaps that is a good thing. It was funny seeing Rome not pleased that Kishan started the fire and not him.

Yeah, Rome would get on my nerves, I feel you Teeny. Back at Gata, Sam and Anika were worried that Andy might find the advantage, but they went hunting and they found it. Sam grabbed it and Anika was worried Sam would be a massive threat to the game. Hmm, could an unexpected move be made. OMG, why does everyone tell everyone. Sam spilled to Sierra, and Anika spilled to Rachel.

Andy realized he should go back to look for the advantage, but surprise he discovered it is gone. Yeah, it was found Andy, so he spilled to Sam, but Sam is NOT as great of an actor as he thinks. TK is doing a bit much and spilled to Gabe that Sue is a target. Gabe likes Caroline and Sue, and spilled to her. Caroline you should trust Gabe because you need him, but spilling about the idol is not smart. TK is a talker I mean he talks, and it was starting to annoy Sue. Hmm, Tiyana is skeptical of TK thing could become interesting.

We’ve seen the mystery idol box once, we don’t need to see it every single time someone finds it. Should have focused on getting the idol to last longer in the game. Not smart Sam telling Sierra that you want to save Andy. We get to the Immunity Challenge that sees Lavo moving pretty fast per usual. Tuku is not looking great, but surprise, Gata has gained a lead. I like this maze that requires three people to maneuver through. Too many cooks in the kitchen for Gata and Tuku which were arguing with one another. Gata was safe, looking like Tuku is headed to Tribal Council. Yes, oh, who’s in trouble TK, Gabe or someone we least expect?

Rachel was caught red-handed placing rice into her pocket by Jeff, but nope, the “Survivor” gods were NOT ALLOWING THAT RICE TO GO BACK TO CAMP! TK what are you doing, you are placing a massive target on your back. Back at Tuku, it was apparent that TK’s behavior rubbed a lot of people the wrong way back at camp. Gabe was pouncing on it, and Tiyana’s perception was that she no longer was willing to work with TK. Kyle tried to bring his alliance back together.

Tiyana is good because I would want to boot her butt ASAP. She is playing strategically. They were looking at Sue, but that is NOT the move. Gabe really thinks he has Tiyana, but I don’t think that’s the case. Gabe your idol is not that strong, you may as well use it now and not later. Last week’s Tribal Council, not shocking, this week, it could be dramatic. Sue acknowledged it was looking like a bromance (the three guys), against the three girls. TK is getting a terrible edit right now, just as the target was placed squarely on Gabe for being the obvious person searching for advantages.

Intriguing as I know where I want the vote to go, but I don’t want it to be so obvious based on the editing. Wow, why did Gabe play the idol for himself? He was not in trouble, but it was not a shock to see Tiyana make that move against TK. It did leave Kyle stunned though. Tiyana is going to have to do some work to repair that blindside against Kyle. Next week, drama erupts on Gata, could be fun. Until next week “Survivor” fanatics!