Kaweah Health in Visalia introduced something truly impressive to the Californian landscape. The rehabilitation facility is now host to a mobility training course, marking the very first introduction of this type of course in the state.

Helping Injured People Regain Their Mobility

The course is intended to help people who’ve suffered from severe, life-altering, injuries. In particular, those who’ve suffered from issues leaving them with impaired mobility. People often imagine that regaining mobility is as easy as simply acquiring a mobility aid such as a wheelchair. And, indeed, the very basics of those mobility aids are generally fairly easy to master. But there’s a huge difference between the basic use of mobility aids and full proficiency with them. People generally start to get used to wheelchairs and similar mobility aids within a hospital environment. However, those environments are typically very different from real-world scenarios.

Take a moment to think about areas where you regularly walk around. Try to conjure up mental images of the sidewalks, the buildings, the foot traffic – anything that would impact mobility. Then compare that to a typical hospital hallway. Hospitals tend to be uncluttered by design. A hospital is designed around the rapid transit of patients with special needs and the mobility impaired. The center of a hospital hallway is almost always clear and easy to navigate in a wheelchair. Now compare that to the rocks, the people randomly standing instead of walking, the cracks in sidewalks, and everything else in the real-world examples you were imagining. They’re very different environments and training in a hospital doesn’t translate very well to the real world. That’s exactly what The Maison Law Mobility Training Course addresses.

Real Life Terrain

The training course simulates all of the issues that patients face in real-world situations. The course has pebbles, bricks, crushed rocks, many types of ramps, and other elements that replicate the potentially hazardous terrains found in day-to-day life. And patients couldn’t ask for a better designer than Kaweah Health. With over 30 years of experience, the facility knows exactly what challenges are out there and how to prepare people to face them.

The new course is only one part of a larger facility that prepares people to face the challenges inherent to chronic medical problems. Maison Law points focuses on the prevention of catastrophic injuries. However, it’s clear to see that The Maison Law Mobility Training Course can also aid people dealing with the unavoidable. Much like the legal practice itself, the course is there to help accident victims get the help they deserve. The Mobility Course is part of Maison Law’s commitment to supporting their clients as they recover from their injuries.